… and yet more awards! 

Hey everyone! 

I was meaning to do this post a long time back, as I had accumulated a few generous award nominations in the past few months by you lovely people. 

Unfortunately, I had been tied up with other commitments outside of WordPress and therefore wasn’t able to put it up for as soon as I had liked. Thank you so much for your unconditional love and support as always! ❤️

If I have missed anyone out please do excuse me as I had to search through each of my blog posts and home page to seek out the nominations. If I have, please just let me know in the comments below and I’ll include it on the post here.. 

I’m bending the rules a little and instead giving out a shoutout back to all those who kindly nominated me so that you can check their awesome blogs out and have as much fun as I have reading through them. 

Leibster Award nomination by the lovely Rosetintedpics. She has an amazing blog so please do check it out! 

What’s your favourite season? 

I absolutely adore Autumn, the pumpkin lattes, cosy sweaters, crisp air, pretty leaves, conker fights, yummy hot chocolates! 🍂🍁☕️

P.s I made one earlier today and thought would share the pic with you.. (I was having a rather lazy afternoon!) 

Do you have a hobby? 

I love writing and taking pictures and luckily for me, blogging gives me that satisfaction. I love being creative so when I get the time, I do painting and decorating. I’ve always been fascinated with interior designing! 

I remember when hubby and I brought our house, I was so excited and would stay up all night decorating and painting it. I had a little mood board and would work out all the various colour schemes for each room, matching the right shade of furniture and decoration piece to it.. the best part was my book library, it was my little corner of heaven! 📚

What’s your favourite place to travel to? 

Oooh I love travelling and have a serious wanderlust! 🌍 I have a world map and I’m always striving to tick off as many countries as I can on it. I’ve enjoyed all the countries I’ve been to but Morocco has been special for the food, culture and entertainment it had to offer. I immensely enjoyed Tunisia with my sister as it was a girly holiday and we indulged in so many spa therapies! 

My first ever holiday was to Spain many years ago and that will always be a special one. I felt like an adult as I was travelling alone with friends and no parental supervision. Haha 😎

I’m hoping to cover the remaining part of Spain and Portugal with hubby in the near future. I’ve always wanted to visit a tropical island so that’s def next on my list! (Any suggestions welcome!) 🌴🌴🌴

What’s your favourite makeup brand? 

Hmm tough one..! I don’t particularly have a favourite brand as I like different brands for different things.. For instance, I love MAC for their lipsticks, Barry M’s for its nail colours, Estée Lauder for its foundation/concealer and so forth. I like to mix high end with drugstore products to create a look. You’ll find an eclectic mix in my makeup bag. 

Leibster Award and Versatile Blogger Award nomination by the lovely Zoyie23 and DBLOSSOMBOX. They have amazing blogs so please do check them out!  

7 facts about me; 

* I am not an early riser at all. Infact I tend to stay awake late night to get my things done, all my creative ideas kick in then.. most def a night owl!   (P.s I’m fascinated by the stars and the night sky!) 🌙

* I used to be a very shy person, I remember being petrified of giving group presentations in front of the class. I’m much better now but can still be awkward at times. I wish I had my mothers genes, she’s a total social butterfly! *sigh* 

* I love to keep things nice and neat and in order both at home and at work. This may drive others crazy at times but I promise it isn’t that bad though hubby disagrees! 

* I love glitter nail polishes, infact anything glittery and I’m your best friend. However, taking it off is a complete nightmare! (Need to write a separate post on this!)

* I’ve bumped into Hermione aka Emma Watson from Harry Potter. She was shopping at the No 7 makeup counter in Boots when I was working there. We’ve also had many other celebs come into the store. Yay to living in Oxford! 🙌

* I used to have an unhealthy obsession with Sabrina the teenage witch. Does anyone remember the show? Oh how cute was Salem the talking cat?! I used to secretly think that I would have the same magical powers as Sabrina the day I turned 16! Ah the innocent times! 🔮

* I used to love collecting crystals and lucky charms as a kid. I used to have jewellery full of these cute little trinkets. I remember this one shop that had opened up near my house and I used to spend all my pocket money in there. I still find them cute to this day! 🍀

Finally, 3 Quote Challenge by the lovely Sabina. Another inspiring blogger, please do check her blog out! 

The three quotes that I’m loving at the moment are; 

Life is a series of thousands of tiny miracles.. Notice them! 

Gratitude changes everything 

There is beauty in simplicity 

P.s I’m going to be off for a short while as it’s my birthday week, so I will catch you all after. You can stay up to date with me on Instagram at throughmylens123 🎈

Hope you enjoyed this post, thank you once again for all your love and support, it is deeply appreciated. Sending lots of love and positive vibes..! 💕 

Until next time, 

Sheema x

29 thoughts on “… and yet more awards! 

  1. Absolutely loved this post and know exactly what you mean by lots of it….glitter nail varnish is like superglue on your nails, Sabrina rocked my world when I was younger lol and completely share your love of traveling too 💞. Xxx

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  2. Aww thank you so much sweet, I’m so glad we have the same interests, haha yes I agree completely about the glitter being a superglue on the nails.. arghh! 😣 Sabrina was just so awesome and yay to travelling! 🌍🙌 xxx

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