And another one.. (Or three!) 

Hey everyone! 

I have kindly been nominated yet again for the Leibster Award by the following lovelies, Sadia, Nazmin and RosieBennett. Please check out their beautiful blogs and spread some love! 

P.s Rosie, I cannot seem to view your questions as when I click on your link, it displays the error message “user not available”. Would you kindly drop your web link below so that we can all have a look at your lovely blog. It may just be due to a technical glitch. Thank you for the nomination! x

So, the rules for this tag are:

• Thank the person who nominated you and link backit heir blog 

• Copy and paste the Leibster Award badge to your post

• Nominate 10 new bloggers 

• Answer the 10 questions the person who nominated you asked you 

• Create 10 new questions to ask the bloggers you nominate 

• Notify the bloggers you have nominated by leaving them a comment on their blog 

Just so that this post doesn’t drag too much as there’s multiple nominations so I will answer 5 questions from each blogger 🙂  
Questions asked by Sadia: 

A trip to the mountain or sea beach? Hmm I will def have to say a beach, I’ve been spending all of this last week with my siblings on all the different beaches here in Spain and it has been amazing! 🐚☀️⛵️

Silver or Gold colour jewellery? Gosh, this one is tough.. I actually like both! Though I must say, lately I have been loving gold and rose gold jewellery especially when it comes to summer. 

Ice cream with fruits or fruity yogurt? I love chocolate ice cream so I’ll have to say a fruity yogurt. I could eat a fruity yogurt all day! 🍒

Music or painting? I personally love listening to music and painting. I did a lot of painting as a child and growing up but then again music is food for the soul. Ah you can tell I’m a true Libran, so difficult to choose! Lol 

Ok I’ll say music as it has the ability to change a persons mood, from happy to sad or vice versa. Plus, I love listening to music whilst I’m on my long drives. 

Black dress or white dress? I’m very bohemian so I love white flowy dresses for the summer. Also white is great because you’re able to add a splash of colour with your accessories. However, a classic LBD works wonders too! 

Questions asked by Naztastic

What inspired you to blog? I’ve always loved creative writing and photography at school. I’ve been a creative soul and so when the opportunity came and blogs really started taking over, I jumped on the bandwagon too. It’s almost like an electronic journal or a photo album for me, creating memories as I blog and looking back at them and revisiting those beautiful times. 

What is the meaning of your name? My name is in Arabic and it means highly skilled. 

One random fact about you? I once slept 48 hours in one stretch, haha no kidding! The weekend was gone before I could bat an eyelid! 😳

How long have you been blogging? I created my blog on February 2015 and so just over a year now. 

Coffe or tea? Gosh, I have to say both because being British I love my tea and I also cannot say no to coffee! ☕️

Thank you so much ladies, it’s been a pleasure answering your questions. 

I would like to nominate the following blogs; 












My questions: 

Would you prefer to see a sunrise or a sunset? 

Dark or white chocolate? 

What’s your favourite colour and why? 

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Can you speak more than one language, if so, what are they? 

If you could be invisible, what would you do? 

What’s your favourite song? 

Are you an early bird or a night owl? 

If there’s only one country you could visit, which will it be? 

Tell us something random/funny about you? 

There’s so many lovely bloggers out there and it’s so difficult to choose just 10 names. I’d have to honour the rules and pick 10 as requested. However, as well as the ones mentioned above, I’d also love to nominate all of you who’d like to take a part in this tag! Please feel free to tag yourselves and I’d love to hear from you! ✨

Good luck! 

Sheema xx

34 thoughts on “And another one.. (Or three!) 

  1. ‘created my blog *in February’ ? Maybe?
    Well, you wrote it pretty well. Nice knowing you.
    Thanks for the follow.
    Happy days to blogging. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ahh yes absolutely, ‘in February’ it is! Darn these errors at times 😬 You’re very welcome, so glad to have stumbled upon your blog and I aim to read as many posts as I can.. You have a great blog! 😉


  3. Yeah sure. It’d be an honor for me every time you read me.
    Happy to have come across yours too. Yours is equally great perhaps.
    Okay, fine.
    Just a lil more than mine. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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